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eFiling (Electronic Filing)

The court accepts electronically filed documents (“eFiling”) for the following case types:

  • Civil Limited/Unlimited
  • Small Claims
  • Family Law/Adoption
  • Probate/Mental Health

The court began accepting documents through eFiling on March 25, 2024.  eFiling is now mandatory for all parties represented by attorneys as of April 26, 2024.  Self-represented litigants are encouraged to use eFiling but are not required to pursuant to CRC 2.253(b)(2) and CCP1010.6(f)(2).

Getting Started

The first step in eFiling is to select a service provider. You will find a list here: eFiling Service Providers (EFSP)

The EFSP acts as an intermediary between you and the Court’s case management system. When reviewing the list of EFSP’s keep in mind that most offer do-it-yourself and concierge services for filing. Additionally, the service fees charged vary by EFSP and each offer eFiling support. When deciding on your EFSP look at the level of filing support offered to see if it fits your needs.

Once you pick the EFSP you would like to use for eFiling you will be able to go through their tutorial on how to eFile. If you have technical issues with filing, please contact your preferred EFSP first for assistance.

After Submitting

Once you submit your documents through the EFSP you should receive a confirmation email that your submission was received. A clerk will then review your document(s).

After review, you will receive an email stating that your submission was either accepted or rejected. The email accepting your submission will have a link to download a file-stamped copy of your document(s). Documents are also accessible by logging into the EFSP’s website. 

Don’t forget that you need to have a copy of your filed documents served on the other party in accordance with California law. If your document(s) are rejected, you will receive a rejection reason and you may resubmit your document(s) once corrected.

eFiling FAQs

A hearing date will be printed on the copy of the document returned to you after acceptance.

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