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The Court will be closed Monday, March 31, 2025 for César Chávez Day.

Community Assistance, Recovery and Empowerment (CARE) Court -

Marin County Superior Court launches CARE Court. For more information, please click here.

Domestic Violence & Gun Violence Restraining Orders -

Marin County Superior Court accepts electronically filed Domestic Violence & Gun Violence Restraining Orders, pursuant to SB 538. For more information, please click here.

Court Reporters & Transcript or Electronic Recording Requests

Court Reporters and Transcript or Electronic Recording Requests

Certain types of hearings are not reported by a court reporter, but rather with an electronic recording device. These hearings include traffic and certain misdemeanor calendars. Small claims hearings are not reported.

Court Reporter Services in Civil, Family Law, and Probate Matters

Court reporters may be provided at the request of the court or parties for certain types of civil proceedings. For the purposes of this notice, “civil” is defined as all matters other than criminal, juvenile and LPS. Court-provided reporting services will be subject to the availability of a court reporter. The cost of court reporting services will typically be borne by the parties.

Generally, the court will not provide court reporters for the following types of proceedings: case management and status conferences; ex parte applications or hearings; orders to show cause; infractions and small claims. Court reporters may be used in such proceedings at the requesting parties' expense.

Ten (10) court business days prior to the commencement of a civil, family law or probate trial or evidentiary hearing, parties are responsible for determining whether the court will have a court reporter available for the proceeding. Local form, Request for Court Reporting Services in Civil, Family Law and Probate Proceedings (form REP004), should be completed by parties or their attorneys to find out whether the court will be able to provide a reporter for a trial or hearing. If a court-provided court reporter is not available, parties may arrange for the presence of a certified shorthand reporter to serve as an official pro tem reporter at the parties’ expense.

For more information on how to request court reporting services, please review Local Rule 1.18.

Transcript Requests

There are two kinds of court records that reflect the actions taken in a particular case. The first is the court docket, also known as the register of actions. The register of actions is continually updated to reflect the parties and attorneys involved, new filed documents, appearance dates, and the actions that were taken in court hearings or alternative dispute resolution proceedings. Copies of the register of actions can be requested from the Court Records department for $0.50 per page.

The second kind of court record is a transcript of court proceedings. Transcripts are verbatim records of everything said by the judge, attorneys, witnesses and others during a court hearing or trial. Court reporters are responsible for preparing transcripts of hearings as required by law or upon request. Except for those transcripts prepared for the court for certain criminal matters, all other parties requesting transcripts are required to pay reporters for preparation of transcripts at the rate prescribed by law. The rates that reporters may charge for transcripts, as well as other information about reporter transcripts, are contained in the Government Code, starting at section 69950. Requirements for the format of transcripts are set forth in California Rule of Court section 8.144.

If the case was reported by a staff court reporter, please contact the court reporter directly by telephone or send an email by clicking on the name below.

Dietz, Mariah 

(415) 444-7390

Gilson, Christina 

(415) 444-7278

Nacco, Julie 

(415) 444-7318

Russo, Mona 

(415) 444-7257

Shawler, Catherine 

(415) 444-7283


If the name of the court reporter is not listed above, contact the Court Reporter Coordinator by email or by phone (415) 444-7060 for assistance. Transcripts from non-staff court reporters may be requested by writing to the court Reporter Coordinator. The Coordinator will forward the request to the pro tem reporter. Please provide the following information:

  • Case name and number
  • Hearing date
  • Name of judicial officer
  • Telephone number where you may be contacted during business hours (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m)

The pro tem reporter will contact the requester to confirm the hearing information, payment method, and mailing address or to schedule a transcript pick up date.

Transcript Requests - Electronic Recordings

Infractions, limited jurisdiction civil and certain misdemeanor hearings may be electronically recorded. An audio CD or a written transcript of the electronic recording may be available from the court.

To obtain an audio CD you may appear in person, call the Court Records Office at (415) 444-7080, select Option 5; or write to the Court Records Office. The fee for an audio CD is $25.

Please provide the following information:

  • Case name & number
  • Hearing date
  • Name of judicial officer
  • Telephone number where you may be contacted during business hours (8:00 a.m. - 4:00 pm.)

To get a written transcript of an electronically recorded hearing, please submit your request to eScribers at You will be requested to fill out an online transcript order form. eScribers will contact the court to obtain the electronic recording and will prepare the transcript for you.

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