Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities
The court offers many ways for interested attorneys, mental health professionals and community members to assist litigants and the general public in accessing the court’s services. Below are these opportunities.
Opportunities Available to Attorneys
- Marin County Law Library Board of Trustees. Applicants are being sought for the Marin County Law Library Board of Trustees. The Marin County Law Library is a community resource dedicated to helping people learn about and use the law to solve problems and access justice. Click here for more information and to apply.
- Civil Settlement Conference Panelist
Click here for information on how to apply and also review the court’s Local Rules under the topic, Settlement Conferences. Please send your completed application to the ADR Coordinator. - Civil Court Appointed Judicial Arbitrator
Click here for information and to obtain an application. Please send your completed application to the ADR Coordinator. - Civil Discovery Facilitator
Discovery Facilitators assist litigants in resolving discovery disputes. Litigants and their attorneys are offered the option of using Discovery Facilitators, as an alternative to placing discovery motions on the court’s law and motion calendar. To qualify to serve as a Discovery Facilitator, attorneys must be active members of the State Bar, licensed for at least 10 years or a retired judge. The Supervising Civil Judge approves each attorney’s application to serve and those qualified are placed on a list to be used by the ADR Coordinator to send to litigants opting into the program. Please click here to apply and return your completed application to the ADR Coordinator. Also please review the court’s Local Rules for a full description of the Discovery Facilitator Program. - Family Law Settlement Conference Panelist
Click here for guidelines on the program and for information on how to apply. Please return your completed application to the ADR Coordinator. Also please review the court’s Local Rules under the topic, Settlement Conferences. - Family Law Self Represented Litigant Calendar
On the first and third Tuesday afternoons of each month, the court's two family law departments convene the Self Represented Litigant Calendar. At this calendar, volunteer attorneys assist self-represented parties in making progress on their cases. This assistance often involves advising parties on various court procedures and completing court pleadings and other documents. There is no application process and attorneys are encouraged to come to Department H on the first Tuesday or Department O on the third Tuesday of each month. Both calendars are called at 1:30 p.m. - Unlawful Detainer Settlement Conferences
In partnership with Legal Aid of Marin, the court conducts settlement conferences in unlawful detainer cases on certain Thursday afternoons of each month. Volunteer attorneys assist landlords and tenants in resolving these matters prior to trial. To volunteer to participate in these settlement conferences, please contact Legal Aid of Marin at (415) 492-0230. - Judge Pro Tem in Small Claims
Small claims hearings are conducted on Tuesday and Friday mornings. The court uses a panel of volunteer judges pro tem to preside over these hearings. To serve as a judge pro tem, attorneys are required to meet mandatory education and training requirements described in the California Rules of Court, Rules 2.812, 2.815 and Code of Civil Procedures section 116.240. In addition, attorneys must complete an application with the court and provide certification of completion of all required education and training. Please email Court Administration at administration@marin.courts.ca.gov to obtain more information and an application to serve on this panel. - Community Court
Community Court, also known as Homeless Court, is convened at St. Vincent’s Dining Hall in San Rafael on the second Tuesday afternoon of each month at 2:30 p.m. This court addresses and seeks to resolve minor infraction offenses of chronically disadvantaged defendants who have many challenges in successfully navigating the court system. Volunteer attorneys are available to meet with defendants prior to court hearings to review their cases and then assist the defendants at the hearings. To volunteer for Community Court, please email Court Administration at administration@marin.courts.ca.gov.
Opportunities Available to Mental Health Practitioners
- Family Law Settlement Conference Panelist
Click here for guidelines on the program and for information on how to apply. Please return your completed application to the ADR Coordinator. Also please review the court’s Local Rules under the topic, Settlement Conferences.
Opportunities Available to Members of the Community
- Community Court
Community Court, also known as Homeless Court, is convened at St. Vincent’s Dining Hall in San Rafael on the second Tuesday afternoon of each month at 2:30 p.m. This court addresses and seeks to resolve minor infraction offenses of chronically disadvantaged defendants who have many challenges in successfully navigating the court system. Volunteers participate in Community Court by checking in defendants for court, setting up and breaking down the ‘courtroom’ before and after court, and assisting defendants in completing paperwork prior to court hearings. To volunteer for Community Court, please email Court Administration at administration@marin.courts.ca.gov. - Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission
Members of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Commission (JJDPC) must be residents of, or employed in, Marin County. Their duties include attending monthly meetings, participating in inspections and investigations, preparing reports, working on subcommittees, as well as leading and assisting in community forums and events. The Commission is actively dedicated to providing justice for youth (less than 18 years) in Marin. They focus on understanding and promoting best practices and resources for preventing youth from entering the Juvenile Justice system, and providing fair and equal treatment if they do. Participating in the JJDPC involves collaborative discussions and a willingness to work in an inclusive and transparent environment. Click here for more information.